Welcome to Dinger's Dogs!
Bringing home a new puppy:
We have found a great website, peteducation.com, and we recommend that anyone check it out. We have put some of the things on this page, but there is much more on the website. When you bring home a new puppy, specially small breeds, they are very fragile. If they develop diarrhea, not eating and/or drinking, vomit, or act withdrawn or sleepy, those symptoms should be jumped on right away. It is very easy for a small puppy to get very sick very fast. Some of the causes of these symptoms are listed below. If your puppy develops any of these symptoms, they need to be seen by a vet asap. It is always better to be safer then sorry.
Our puppies are checked before they go home for worms, coccidia, and giardia. Even though we test, we ask that you also have your pup tested as soon as you can make your first vet appointment. Some of these things are not always in every poop. We are always here to answer any questions you may have, to the best of our ability.
Whether you get a puppy from us or someone else, it is always important for you to do your homework. Puppies are not a one time cost. You will have routine financial responsibilities for your new puppy. Please make sure before you buy a puppy that you can support it for the rest of its life.
Feces: A Source of Diseases
Race Foster, DVM
Drs. Foster & Smith, Inc.
Dogs smell it, roll in it, walk in it, even ingest it. And, oftentimes, pick up serious diseases from it. Animal feces are one of the most common sources of the following diseases:
Parvo Virus is one of the deadliest diseases in the dog population, particularly among puppies. Gaining entry through the mouth, the virus attacks the digestive tract and kills cells that are critical in the absorption of nutrients. Severe fluid loss through diarrhea and vomiting can lead to death. Parvo also temporarily affects a dog's immune system, and can lead to heart failure in some young dogs.
Whipworms are blood suckers, tunneling into the wall of the intestine for their blood meals. Vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss are common symptoms, and in large numbers, these parasites can cause anemia. Difficult to diagnose, they are even harder to eliminate because they are often present in very large numbers.
Hookworms are blood suckers, attaching to the intestinal wall where they suck plugs of the intestinal tissue into their mouth structures. Anemia and/or intense inflammation can result. Hookworm infections can be passed to humans.
Roundworms (ascarids) can affect the lungs and the digestive system, with typical signs being vomiting and diarrhea. Convulsions can occur with heavy infections and the disease can spread to humans.
Giardia are one-celled parasites that can cause diarrhea in cats and dogs. Infection with Giardia is often difficult to diagnose and treat effectively.
Coccidia are also one-celled parasites that can cause diarrhea, especially in puppies and kittens.
The best way to prevent these, and the many bacterial infections dogs can acquire from stools, is to remove feces at least weekly (more often if possible) and keep current on your dog's vaccinations, fecal examinations, and deworming. Also pick up waste before a rain which breaks up or scatters the feces and allows the worms or germs to spread into the environment.
We hope this helps and we are always here to answer any questions you may have for the life of your puppy!